Thursday, July 19, 2007

个人电器 - personal electronic


为什么电话会坏?因为我是一个很会挑战电器极限的人,我的nokia电话一直给我折麽着。我的电话装着100首歌,50个video,2000个sms, 30本ebook, 30个game, 300张照片,还有,一天收五次email。

所以,不到一年,就坏了。以下的照片,是我的spare phone。一个可以把我闷死的电话(可是,它的贪吃蛇我还是可以玩到爆机)。

spare phone - nokia 3310



In the past 1 week, 2 of my personal electronics broke down. 1 was mobile phone, and the other 1 was shaver.

I am the type of person who likes to push a product to its limit, my phone contained 2000 sms, 300 pictures, 100 songs, 50 videos, 30e-books, 30 games, and I used it to check emails 5 times a day.

So, its lifespan only lasted less than a year, now I have to temporarily replace it with the boring-to-death phone - nokia 3310

Then, how could I damage the shaver so easily? It’s simple, I accidentally threw it into the washing machine with my dirty clothes, so that’s all.

Thanks mum for buying me the new shaver..