Saturday, June 28, 2008




I tried to take a skid video for myself and put it on my blog but ended up the video become like this.

Please view it and have a good laugh.


Isn't it funny, after you view the video, please scroll down to see how injured I am.



Is so FUCKING pain! I wondering why just fall down from a bike can cause me to this.

so, you better feel guilty for laughing at the video above!

update 30/6:

I can't drag it, too painful, went to see doctor and ended up as pic above.sigh..

题外话:用两天时间看完了"挪威的森林",一直都会把那本书和Sofia Coppola的"VIRGIN SUICIDE"联想起来,可能是因为故事都那么的惨吧。


1 comment:

flaminglambo said...

Hahaha. Sorry but it was funny. The cameraman should have focused on your fall longer.

Hope you feel better man. Remember, we're not young anymore and we don't heal as fast as when we had BMXs.

Take care bro.