Friday, May 9, 2008

Bang - Mi party, Maison

星期三晚上,去了MAISON的BANG-MI的派对,和LAPSAP或TAG NIGHT 有同工异曲的派对,是ETHAN和GOLDFISH举办的。蛮有趣的一个派对,只是音乐有一点闷~~

那一晚不知不觉地喝了很多的酒,啤酒,SEX ON THE BEACH,TEQUILA。还好还不会喝到很醉,讲话也没有语无伦次。



Last Wednesday, went to Maison for the Bang-Mi party which organized by Ethan and Goldfish(should be?). It was a very interesting night, just the music they played, er....a bit not my fav.

I actually drank quite a lot on that night, few beers and cocktails, luckily I wasn't drunk enuff and did something stupid.

The weird thing is, I felt refresh while I woke up, and I wondering the alcohol digested so fast?

I am done everything that everyone will normally do when clubbing, I had enuff of fun.

Lastly, I beg everyone who clubbing with me, please stop laughing at me about what I did on that night. *shy*