Saturday, August 4, 2007

打嗝 - hiccup


而且,喝完coke light 以后,打得更厉害。

第二天晚上,终于忍不住了,对自己发誓,如果立刻不打嗝,我立刻戒coke light.

打嗝立刻停!而且,我看到coke light时想要喝它的欲望不见了,剩下的是要做呕的感觉.


last week, hiccup suddenly attacked my body, no matter how hard I tried, I just can't stop it.

everytime it was getting worse after i drank coke light.

It was continuously until the next day evening. When it reached a certain limit, I sweared to myself, if it stops now, i'm quiting coke light.

and it stops immediately.

So, I quit drinking coke light, now i don't even want to drink it by remembered how bad the hiccup was.