Monday, July 23, 2007

我要感冒了-I caught a cold today


Antiboitic 的用意是清除身体里面的细菌,不过同时,也同时把自己本身的抗体一起杀掉。然而,在这个世界上,还没有发明到拥有A.I.的抗生素,可以分辨好和坏的细胞。所以,服用antibiotic,身体容易变得虚弱。



I felt awful for the heavy rain this morning, today is my third day of consuming antibiotic, and i started don't feel good about it.

The purpose of the antibiotic is to kill all the bacteria. but in the mean time, it also kills all the immune system cells. There are no any antibiotics in the world have the A.I. function to differentiate between good and bad cells. So, by consuming antibiotic, your body will get weaker.

So,unfortunely, I caught a cold today. Some more Kenji is coming back tonight from JAPAN and this saturday I have to do tooth extraction. I'm really fucked.

Hope I still can see Kenji, really.